Efficiency: 125%
Best suited to:
High integrity and high surface quality aluminium applications such as aerospace, automotive and electric vehicles.
Optifine 5:1 125 grain refiner, which is made with low carbon aluminium, has 85% more active nuclei than a low efficiency grain refiner.
In simple terms, this premium version can cut addition rates by up to 85% and is 35% more powerful than our original Optifine, a particular game-changer for producers of high tensile automative body sheets (ABS) for the electric vehicles market, a market which was valued at $163.01 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $823.75 billion by 2030.
Using Optifine 5:1 125 also offers 20% more cost savings. It is a premium product, but there is a rapid rate of return and its high efficiency makes it very appealing to companies striving to meet the COP26 agenda.
Optifine is made at a state-of-the-art facility with excellent quality control in Baoding, China.

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